
Showing posts with label Taiwan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taiwan. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ghost Money

Within minutes of being in Tainan,  I knew that I wanted to stay. It's the oldest, most traditional city in Taiwan, but it's a city of the young - kids crowded the sidewalks and cafes while I searched for a hotel. There was a buzz in the air, which is probably due to it being a university town. National Cheng Kung University, one of the most prestigious universities in the country, is located there. Of course, I didn't know all this at that time; I just knew that I liked the vibe. I decided to stay and look for a job and see how it went.

The next day, as I was wandering around, I saw a wanted poster for felons and/or missing persons tacked on to a bulletin board outside a small police station. I can't read Mandarin so I didn't know what their offenses had been, but I pondered the mugshots and wondered what these people could possibly have done. Had they approached children in a park?  Attacked their relatives?  Stolen some chocolate bars?  They didn't look very dangerous, just misshapen and odd, perhaps mentally ill, but I chuckled as I remembered the Taiwanese comedic equivalent at Smoking Gun website, where mugshots of America's most ridiculous outsiders can be found.

retarded person mugshot in Tainan City Taiwaninsane person mug shot Tainan City Taiwan


I couldn't read any of the menus in the cafes and the pictures of the food were foreign.  I didn't know if I was looking at a vegetable or a fruit.  I had also not had a conversation with anyone for what seemed like weeks and I was starting to feel lonely. I have never felt so isolated while surrounded by so many, and by so many who stared at me as if I were from another planet, stares that told me I was odd - and they were so free to just look me over, cover their mouths and giggle, which is the traditional way of saying hello I suppose; however, I didn't take their laughter personally.

In my first few days in Tainan City there was little to do but reflect on my life, the nonsensical billboards, and the phenomenal abundance of skin whiteners and nipple lighteners.


Scooters were ubiquitous - parked on sidewalks, lining the street and curbs and at every corner idling and waiting for the lights to change. I thought I'd never be able to drive a scooter in Tainan what with the choking traffic, but I eventually did buy one. It was a challenge and driving became a challenge of near-death experiences. I had one accident in five years and I consider that an accomplishment. I was driving too fast and t-boned another scooter as it was turning left. It could have been worse. The scar on my right ankle from that accident now matches the scar on my left ankle, the one I picked up in Sapa, Vietnam when I crashed on a mountain road.

I thought I would get lung cancer from all the smoke, not only from the scooters, but from the joss paper that sent plumes of smoke into the air from red braziers set up outside businesses, storefronts, and apartment buildings. The Taiwanese burn 'ghost money,' which is specially manufactured paper that people buy in stacks and offer up to the gods, not only on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar calendar, but during major festivals, funerals and weddings, to ensure that their ancestors have enough 'money' to buy the things they need in the afterlife. Greed never ends.

Many temples also have large furnaces just inside their grounds in order to burn copious amounts of ghost money. Money can be bought at the temples, or in special 'money' stores. Outside the walls of the temples the roar of the fires in the furnaces can be heard, especially after midnight and the smoke billows out into the neighborhoods. Mountains of this stuff is burned at night when everyone's asleep. It's a metallic, lethal odor, and the larger the amount burned per individual, the better received it is in the netherworld.

joss paper for burning at temple in Tainan City TaiwanFolding paper money during the burning ceremony also differentiates joss paper from actual money, but burning actual money is considered unlucky. Paper is folded into specific shapes, which is also meant to bring good luck. Every fifteen days business owners in Taiwan burn ghost money in red braziers and set out offering tables on the sidewalk, which can consist of anything from fruit to flowers to packaged meat, for both Gods and ghosts. But alas, after my little tour of the city, it was time to find a job.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Taiwan - Celebrating the Gods

scary face beside God in Tainan City Taiwan

The Taiwanese worship a variety of Buddhist, Taoist, and other folk deities. Every weekend there are celebrations throughout the country to worship the gods, and while travelling, I stumbled into many parades and celebrations. Each temple has its own god, so there are literally thousands of different gods in Taiwan.

Statues of deities are loaded onto wooden palanquins and carried through a maelstrom of firecrackers, traffic, police, and cheering crowds. Decorated floats follow giant walking gods which have wildly contorted faces and glaring eyes to ward off evil spirits. Then, once the caravan nears the temple, firecrackers that have been laid out up and down the blocks surrounding it are set off and the celebrations begin, with many of the men who have carried the palanquins already drunk and their teeth red with bettle juice. The danger was in being anywhere around the celebrations when the firecrackers were lit, because they went off in sync by the thousands, leaving behind shredded bits of pink paper two inches deep.

religious parade Tainan City Taiwan

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tainan City

Tainan City


Tainan City

Taiwan has many shocking surprises but nothing prepared me for what I was about to see one morning at the day market.

I was going on a little shopping spree when on my way to a shopping mall I noticed a large market I hadn't been to before. I parked my bike and wandered through.

Laid out on long wooden benches under colorful awnings was the usual junk - cheap clothing, trinkets, jewelry, polyester lingerie, shoes, toys from Korea, clocks, radios and dvd players. At other tables were fruits and vegetables and candies, boxed chocolates and homemade sweets. As I elbowed my way through, people were shouting and pushing and haggling over prices as they lined up to pay for their goods. Children chased each other up and down the aisles as their parents and grandparents sat on overturned crates around plastic tables slurping up their lunch of noodles and stinky tofu.

Vans were parked in the lot behind the market with goods stacked on boxes outside their open doors. Hawkers stood screeching into microphones as they touted their goods and I covered my ears from the cacaphony. A few advertising videos were playing and people seemed to be crowding around to watch one or two of them. With my hands still held over my ears to block out the unbearable noise, I walked over.

One video was a cooking show demonstrating how to make monkey brain soup. It showed a monkey’s brain being meticulously sawed in half, processed, and then served to diners who were only to eager to slurp up the mess. I felt a little nauseous so I moved on to another video which showed bloody bear claws being lauded by some doctor for their curative powers. I couldn’t look anymore, I felt sick. Do they really believe all this crap?

I looked at the stacks of dead seahorses and furry dried paws laid out neatly on a long table and shook my head. I was going to leave when I saw a large crowd of old men gathered around a white van parked at the end of the alley. They were all staring at a small television set set up on a box so I pushed in amongst the men to see what it was they were watching. I peered at the grainy screen to try and make out the shapes, but it took me a while before I understood what it was. And then I squinted and blinked again because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. In grainy black and white I saw the image of a young woman squatting and taking a pee. Then she stood up and pulled up her pants and walked out of a bathroom. What washroom is this? Is this for real? Then I wondered if I'd been in that bathroom.

One woman after another entered the same cubicle and went to the bathroom, not knowing that they were being videotaped. Who filmed this stuff? I thought that the hawker that owned the video was probably selling hidden cameras, but no, the video was just to get everyone’s attention because he was only selling cheap dishes and kitchen utensils. I glanced up at the old buggers staring at the lurid video, their mouths hanging open with their hands twisted in their pockets. Some of them turned away, uncomfortable with my stare.

I didn’t get it. This was a public marketplace with young children and their grandmothers milling about, not some dingy back room in a porn video shop. I lingered for a while longer to watch the old men as they watched the video, before I shook my head and walked away.

So for all those gals out there in cities all over the world - a warning: Have a tinkle before you leave home to go shopping because you never know where there's a hidden camera!